Music, Science & Generally Off-The-Wall Random Topics

Monday, March 8, 2010 - ACORN Registration Workers Charged With Felony Voter Fraud

Had some pretty good articles on my old blog about this back when it was actually happening....too bad I deleted that account. I really wanted to say "I told you so." - ACORN Registration Workers Charged With Felony Voter Fraud

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Senate Trio Hopes to Hit Pay Dirt With Carbon 'Fee' on Fuels - Topix

Read this story and tell me if this is not the biggest pile of manure you've ever seen. They refer to the "carbon problem." I am so disappointed in Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham...not very surprised about John Kerry being involved though. You'd think any policy change that's supported by Big Oil would probably not benefit the public. Cap and trade is a scam, but there seems to be no way of stopping it. They will not force me to buy an SUV or a hybrid car. I'll keep the Mustang, the Jeep, and definitely the Chevelle. Thanks.

If scientists are at odds over whether the emissions are actually harming the environment or not, how in the world can they do this? Same way they do everything else....
I'm going to do all I can, which is vote out every single incumbent possible.

Senate Trio Hopes to Hit Pay Dirt With Carbon 'Fee' on Fuels - Topix